A Witch's Guide to Intuitive Living

Walking the witch's path means walking between the worlds. We are children of the earth, of the seasons and cycles of nature and for that reason we pay homage to what we see and feel in the natural world, right outside our door. However, we are also seekers of the unseen. Our ritual lifestyle leads us to constantly look for the Source of our natural world. This Sacred Source can't be seen with our physical eyes, only felt somewhere in our soul. One of the wonderful benefits of living this way, fully aware of the practical world, while also fully aware of the spiritual dimensions, is the quiet gift of intuition.

Some witches and pagans are born intuitives. These witches are accustom to listening to their feelings about life, and respecting their sense of how things are or how things seem to be. Other witches spend time cultivating their 'knowing' self. These folks may be begin to have psychic flashes or intuitive senses almost by accident, as a result of meditation or spiritual devotion. Either way, intuition becomes an important force for most witches in their life and in their religious practice.

So how can we work with the still small voice within? How can we make it just a bit louder and easier to discern? There are some definite steps that we can take to cultivate and expand our intuitive awareness. Luckily, if we are on the witch's path, these are things we are already doing as part of our spiritual devotion. And the very first thing we need to do, is learn to have a minority opinion. By the time most of us self identify as witches, we are way deep into being different. However, it can still be tough to feel or see things differently than your peers. But honor your self, if you can, and be ok with not agreeing with everyone else's sense of things. When the group thinks one way and your inner sense is telling a different story, simply allow that experience. Notice that your reality is slightly different than the other people you are dealing with. Its always tough to be the odd man or woman out, however this is an essential step in giving voice to your inner knowing. Human beings are so accustom to group think and group behavior that even the most independent of us, still get effected by the majority opinion. Its certainly not necessary to be loud in your disagreement. Just get in the habit of being true to your feelings about things, regardless of others' perceptions. Sometimes you will be right and sometimes you will be wrong, that's ok. Its all part of the process of understanding your own unique experience. And even the times that your are slightly wrong will be an opportunity to understand your point of view and which experiences are shaping your perceptions.

Another important mindset for intuition is an attitude of curiosity. Saying the simple phrase, I wonder, creates a doorway for intuitive knowing to travel toward you. I wonder what will happen today, I wonder if it will be a hot summer, or a wet and rainy one. I wonder when my friend will call, by the way, I also wonder what she is up to right now. Being curious is a way to bypass the analytical part of our brain that always wants to have the right answer. Its admitting to yourself that you don't know some things and that you are ready to receive guidance in that area of your life. For some of us the inner critic is so loud and aggressive, admonishing us to not make a mistake, sound ridiculous or be wrong. That critical part of our being can freeze our instincts and cause us to edit every single thought that pops into our heads. But I wonder can be a remedy for that fear. It helps us create a light hearted atmosphere within our minds and hearts where we don't know for sure, and not knowing is ok. We can be gentle with our mental musings and see what information they offer. Asking, an I wonder question may arouse a thought, or a feeling somewhere within our body that begins us on a path toward insight. Or, an even more magical answer can sometimes occur: the friend in question may suddenly call; or the information you need may arrive easily in a casual conversation later that day. Spontaneous coincidences such as as this remind us that we are truly all connected to the web of life.

Another doorway to intuition is imagination. We witches and pagans are generally an imaginative bunch! We create rituals and seasonal celebrations that are full of color, scent and theater, all for the love of creation and the joy of worshipping. To unleash your intuition, can sometimes be as simple as allowing a little more space for your imagination. If we allow it, the habit of dreaming, and daydreaming is another way that the universe can deliver intuitive information to us. When we were children many of our parents told us to get our heads out of the clouds, stop being such a dreamer, and be serious, realistic or practical. My own maternal grandmother used to call me the dreamy girl, due to my ability to sit still and disappear into my own fantasy world while the adults discussed things I found dull. The grown up version of this is the daydream. We often go into this state by accident when we are doing dull repetitive things,like washing the dishes, or driving a car. It seems as if our mind is just entertaining us with random fantasy, however I would encourage witches to take note of these reveries. At times contained within imagination and dreams are plenty of wise gems. The trick is to allow the experience and give it a bit of credence. Notice who is speaking to you during these daydreams. What is that they say? If you are fantasizing about your future, then what do you notice about it? Is there any unusual or surprising elements to the picture you have laid out for yourself. Your intuitive imagination may be trying to tell you something.

Once you begin to pay more careful attention to your inner life, both your thoughts and feelings, its a great idea to journal your impressions. At times the voice of intuition is a quick light flash. Not a shout, but more of a whisper. Much like the dream that disappears from consciousness before you finish your morning coffee, intuitive feelings can dissolve from our minds just as quickly and completely. By jotting down all the crazy random thoughts and feelings that come to you, you may be surprised just how many of them are astonishingly accurate. You will gain confidence from this practice and also begin to get used to what your particular intuition vibe is. Are you normally correct about your children but less tuned in to your work life? Are you a weather witch, who knows when the local weather man is wrong, and the storm is really going to blow out to sea, not drop rain? Journaling your feelings may uncover your pattern, and help you develop it even further. We are all unique in the way that we receive information, and understanding your special feelings, how they come to you, what the vibration is like, can raise your level of confidence. It an also give you the important skill of recognizing what it feels like to be correct. This will help you to have better discernment in the future. You will start to know the difference between random musings and the ones that are bringing information, or truth along within.

Prayer for Intuition

Divine and Ancient Mother, Wise and Protective Father,

Lead me this day and every day into a deeper understanding of my self.

Bring to me, the experience of Intuition, Knowing and Truth.

Bring to me also signs and symbols of a wise path and help me to clearly interpret these signs,

And help me, please, with your loving presence, to live this Truth to the best of my abilities.


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